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23-01-2011, 10:55 AM   #1
+Thành Viên+
: Jul 2008
: 27
: 5
50th IMO - 50 Years of International Mathematical Olympiads

Có thể tìm ở gigapedia cuốn sách mới này
Hans-Dietrich Gronau, Hanns-Heinrich Langmann, and Dierk Schleicher, "50th IMO - 50 Years of International Mathematical Olympiads"
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n.v.thanh (23-01-2011)
23-01-2011, 11:06 AM   #2
: Nov 2009
: 2,849
: 2,980
Má»›i toanh.
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ngocthi0101 (04-04-2012)
23-01-2011, 11:14 AM   #3
: Nov 2009
: 2,849
: 2,980


50th IMO - 50 Years of International Mathematical Olympiads

by: Hans-Dietrich Gronau, Hanns-Heinrich Langmann, Dierk Schleicher

50th IMO - 50 Years of International Mathematical Olympiads library.nu #270884

md5: c71cc443dd63ccab96f536834647368f
size: 11.08 MB [ 11618058 bytes ]
type: .pdf
status: normal
language: en [ english ]
created by: anonymous


pages: 312
bookmarked: yes
paginated: yes
vector: yes
cover: yes
searchable: yes
In July 2009 Germany hosted the 50th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). For the very first time the number of participating countries exceeded 100, with 104 countries from all continents. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the IMO provides an ideal opportunity to look back over the past five decades and to review its development to become a worldwide event. This book is a report about the 50th IMO as well as the IMO history. A lot of data about all the 50 IMOs are included. We list the most successful contestants, the results of the 50 Olympiads and the 112 countries that have ever taken part. It is impressive to see that many of the world’s leading research mathematicians were among the most successful IMO participants in their youth. Six of them gave presentations at a special celebration: Bollobás, Gowers, Lovász, Smirnov, Tao and Yoccoz. This book is aimed at students in the IMO age group and all those who have interest in this worldwide leading competition for highschool students.
Đây không phải là sách về thể loại Problems books in Mathematics.

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23-01-2011, 11:20 AM   #4
+Thành Viên+
: Dec 2010
: 6
: 1
sách này để làm gì???
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23-01-2011, 11:22 AM   #5
: Nov 2009
: 2,849
: 2,980
Lần đầu thấy cái đề IMO scan đấy\
Đây chỉ là quyển sách viết về IMO lần thứ 50.

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