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Old 06-01-2011, 02:37 AM   #16
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Sorry for interrupting all of a sudden, but it would be really helpful for my preparation for Indian national mathematical olympiad if someone could translate the problems to English. [I have qualified for appearing in the national olympiad.]
I used Google translate but it gives meaningless and absolutely senseless translations.
I understand the problems marked 1, 6 because they are inequalities, but I do not get any head or tail of the two geometries.
Since the structure of VMO is very similar to that of INMO, I really would have been obliged if someone helped me.
Sorry, and please do not regard this as spam.
Thanks in advance.
Potla (Sayan Mukherjee, 10th standard).
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Old 06-01-2011, 04:36 AM   #17

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Here is the English version of VMO Pre-text 7, I wish you can solve all of problems in this.
I think there are a lot of MOs have the structure like this (two days and 3 problems in each day).
In this year, the VMO will take place in two days (11/01 & 12/01/2011):
*Day 1: Algebra -> Calculus -> Geometry -> Combination.
*Day 2: Algebra -> Number theory -> Combination/Geometry (which are more difficult than the problems in Day 1).
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Kiểu File : pdf VMO2011Pre_Test7.pdf (31.9 KB, 167 lần tải)
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Old 09-01-2011, 11:23 PM   #18
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Nguyên văn bởi huynhcongbang View Post
Here is the English version of VMO Pre-text 7, I wish you can solve all of problems in this.
I think there are a lot of MOs have the structure like this (two days and 3 problems in each day).
In this year, the VMO will take place in two days (11/01 & 12/01/2011):
*Day 1: Algebra -> Calculus -> Geometry -> Combination.
*Day 2: Algebra -> Number theory -> Combination/Geometry (which are more difficult than the problems in Day 1).
I have solved all the problems, but I took a lot of time to write things down in LaTeX.

I would like to have the previous VMO Pre-Test Exam questions translated to English, too. Sorry for being so inconvenient; but I cannot search this site in full swing because I get lost. The little broken Vietnamese that I know like "Xìn lôi" and "Tâm biệt bạn" does not help in browsing forums.

Thanks a lot.
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Kiểu File : pdf VMO_Pre_Exam.pdf (193.4 KB, 294 lần tải)
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The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Potla For This Useful Post:
anhkhoa_nt (10-01-2011), hungth (24-01-2011), HuongNhat (10-01-2011), Messi_ndt (10-01-2011), nam1994 (11-01-2011), perfectstrong (28-12-2013)
Old 10-01-2011, 02:44 PM   #19
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Nguyên văn bởi Potla View Post
I have solved all the problems, but I took a lot of time to write things down in LaTeX.

I would like to have the previous VMO Pre-Test Exam questions translated to English, too. Sorry for being so inconvenient; but I cannot search this site in full swing because I get lost. The little broken Vietnamese that I know like "Xìn lôi" and "Tâm biệt bạn" does not help in browsing forums.

Thanks a lot.
Hello Sayan.
Yeah. Vietnames with in VMO preparation of Namdung doctoral isn't can to translate from Vietnamese into English. To require the doctoral can write next VMO preparation by eng for outcountryer can do it.
Thanks much.

You can sent your solution for problems to [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
This is VMO Preparation six by English.
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Kiểu File : doc VMO2011Pre_Test6-1.doc (25.5 KB, 73 lần tải)
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thay đổi nội dung bởi: Messi_ndt, 10-01-2011 lúc 02:54 PM
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The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Messi_ndt For This Useful Post:
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